Re- MEM- ber
Blai Bonet wrote that remembering means bringing things closer to the heart. Cinefilms brings us movies, directors, phrases, moments and feelings that we had, maybe not forgotten but which are dormant, waiting for someone to wake them up from their the sweet lethargy.
Cinefilms is the muscle that exercises memory and nostalgia.
To enter its world is like diving into the yellowed, lived and scuffed pages from an old book in that precious time when you inhale sharply from the heart and throat. They smell like memories and better times, classics and film history.
They say it is best not to try to go back the place where you were happy once but Cinefilms -and we together with them- defy the laws of time and immerse ourselves in golden ages.
This commission settles scores with the history of film and recovers the CINEMA at its best.