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Un Latido Universal
Juan Antonio Muñoz
Index card
  • Title: Un Latido Universal
  • Original Title: Un Latido Universal
  • Country: España
  • Screening date: 20/04/2024
  • Direction: Juan Antonio Muñoz
  • Script: Juan Antonio Muñoz

Encounter with Un Latido Universal (A Universal Heartbeat).

Is it possible to live in these times a life guided by the heart? We have verified after the premieres, even in other countries, that the encounters in the cinema with Un Latido and Joan promote finding and recognizing the valuable people of the places.

Valuable people are the brave among ordinary people who walk the path of love, as if they had never been hurt. It makes it easier to make themselves to flourish from the inside out. To accept the challenge in these moments in the process of giving value to calm, peace as one of the keys to being human. Discover: What does life want from us as a group? Bring together people from places, facilitating the restoration of the fabric that offers support to the transformation processes of social models, which come and go, passengers of this precious journey throughout the Earth.

The film will be preceded by a presentation and followed by a discussion.

Estimated total duration: 120 minutes.
