Index card
- Title: Fritzi: Un cuento revolucionario
- Original Title: Fritzi - Eine Wendewundergeschichte
- Country: Alemania
- Screening date: 26/10/2023
- Spanish distributor: Pack Màgic
- Direction: Ralf Kukula, Matthias Bruhn
- Rating: TP
East Germany, 1989. The wall that divides the country into two halves is about to collapse. Twelve-year-old Fritzi cares for Sputnik, her best friend Sophie's little dog, while she is on vacation with her family in Hungary. But fall comes and school starts and Sophie has not returned. Fritzi and Sputnik go on an adventure to find her. Their steps lead them to discover the demonstrations that are repeated in Leipzig and to understand what is happening in their country. A moving film, steeped in the atmosphere of the time and historically accurate, portraying the fall of the wall from the perspective of a young girl.