We really liked this cycle of Programmed by ... with Literature amb crispetes, a month after ending the "What is better, the book or the movie?" and embrace the love for good cinema and good literature.
This last session comes with a lot of meaning, as it will serve as a trailer for the new season of Literature amb crispetes, which will open with Alice Munro, the writer whose stories the film for this end of the cycle is based on: Julieta, by Pedro Almodóvar.
When Julieta is about to leave Madrid to go live in Portugal, she meets Bea, an old friend of her daughter Antía, whom she has not seen or known for years. Bea tells him that she saw Antía at Lake Como, in Italy, and that she has 3 children. Stunned by the news, Julieta cancels her trip to Portugal and decides to write about her daughter, from the day she met her father during a train trip.
But all this will be explained much better by Marta Pérez and Cati Moyà, who will present the film and what is to come.
The session will be on Thursday 27 at 7:50 p.m.
Tickets will cost € 6 for ordinary tickets and € 4 for CineCiutat members.
You can reserve them in the following link.