The morning routine is one of those sacred things for some people. There are those who need to meditate as soon as they wake up, or the "without coffee I'm not a person" ones. And what about those who prefer to start the day in a movie theatre? The mind is clear, the day is not marred by any unforeseen events, and, when you leave, you still have many hours ahead of you.
CineCiutat, bon dia! is back. Or what is the same, three mornings a week you can enjoy four premiere films, in Catalan or subtitled in Catalan, reruns for our silver audience (over 65) and also for the youngest of the house.
So may we start!
Estreno: El maestro jardinero (VOSE)
En català: Searching for Sugar Man (VOSCat)
Matinal d’argent: Un nuevo mundo (VOSE)
CineCiutat Nins: La canción del mar (doblado al catalán)
Saturday October 21st, 11:00
Estreno: Passages (VOSE)
En català: Creatura (VO)
Matinal d’argent: En un muelle de Normandía (VOSE)
Tuesday October 24th, 11:00
Estreno: Las chicas están bien (VO)
En català: La ruleta de la fortuna y la fantasía (VOSCat)
Matinal d’argent: La inspiración. El gran Pirandello (VOSE)
CineCiutat Nins: La barca del vent (doblada al catalán)
Thursday October 26th, 11:00
Estreno: Aftersun (VOSE)
En català: La metamorfosis de los pájaros (VOSCat)
Matinal d’argent: Falling (VOSE)
CineCiutat Nins: Fritzi. Un conte revolucionari (doblada al catalán)
Saturday October 28th, 11:00
Estreno: Decision to Leave (VOSE)
En català: Incerta glòria (VO)
Matinal d’argent: Y llovieron pájaros (VOSE)
CineCiutat Nins: Astres immòbils (doblada al catalán)
Tuesday October 31st, 11:00
Estreno: En lo alto (VOSE)
En català: Loving Vincent (VOSCat)
Matinal d’argent: Mentes maravillosas (VOSE)
CineCiutat Nins: Laban i Labolina (doblada al catalán)
All tickets are now available, see you after the first coffee!
CineCiutat, bon dia! is possible thanks to the support from Dirección de Política Lingüística (Govern de les Illes Balears), Consell de Mallorca and Ajuntament de Palma.