The (we give thanks) inexhaustible fuse of CineCiutatNins continues to advance in CineCiutat!
This time we bring a movie to teach children to think about a little more serious issues, but without going overboard, how serious life is! An exciting adventure so that the breath of the little ones shrinks with emotion and for those who are a little older to discover a piece of history. All this and much more will make you feel Fritzi: a revolutionary tale.
East Germany, 1989. The wall that divides the country into two halves is about to collapse. Twelve-year-old Fritzi cares for Sputnik, her best friend Sophie's little dog, while she is on vacation with her family in Hungary. But fall comes and school starts and Sophie has not returned. Fritzi and Sputnik go on an adventure to find her. Their steps lead them to discover the demonstrations that are repeated in Leipzig and to understand what is happening in their country. A moving film, steeped in the atmosphere of the time and historically accurate that portrays the fall of the wall from the perspective of a young girl.
The sessions will be the following:
- 03-06-2021 at 4:00 p.m.
- 03-07-2021 at 11:00 am.
The ticket will cost € 4 and you can book it at the following link.