Trying to save the climate crisis is everyone's job and, at CineCiutat, we feel as responsible as anyone.
One of the sectors that is suffering the most from the new dynamics of mass production is agriculture, something as basic as the cultivation of everything that our body needs to survive, for that reason, we suggest you come to celebrate the day of organic farming at the cinema with a very special event.
Organized by the good people of APAEMA, on Sunday 04-11-2021 we will screen the documentary Los Últimos de la Mejana, which we will accompany with a subsequent discussion with the director.
The chef Santi regrets not having learned more about the garden with his father, now deceased. To correct it, contact the last market gardeners of Tudela. This leads Santi to recover the garden and teach the children to cook from the ground.
The session will be at 11:15 am, tickets will cost € 6 for Ordinary and € 4 for CineCiutat members. You can reserve them in the following link.