This Friday we suggest a plan that, we hope, you will find as special as we do, because it is important to learn that the freedom to feel like yourself, should not have such a high emotional cost.
On the occasion of the premiere of the documentary Petite fille, by Sébastien Lifshitz, we will offer a discussion after the screening, by Tatiana Casado and Jan Gómez on behalf of Ben Amics (Associació LGTBI de les Illes Balears) and Leo Albuquerque, president of La lioparda teatre.
When she grows up, she will be a girl. This is something Sasha has been dreaming about since childhood. In addition to several interviews with the parents, who speak clearly of Sasha as their child, the film also shows the tireless struggle of the family against a hostile environment. We see Sasha playing, going to ballet classes and during a visit to a therapist who specializes in gender identities. At school, Sasha is not allowed to dress 'like a girl', she must wear 'boy's' clothes. On several occasions Sasha does not understand why adults make everything so complicated, and they do not just let her be who she is and wear whatever she wants.
The screening will be on Friday 03-12-2021 at 7:20 p.m.
You can reserve your ticket in the following link.