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Screening + talk: Cartas mojadas
Screening + talk: Cartas mojadas
18 February 2021

Throughout the world, this documentary by the director Paula Palacios has left both viewers and critics breathless, mercilessly, as it does, without many being aware, the journey through the Mediterranean of thousands of people fleeing the north from Africa in search of something better. On Thursday 18, at 7:25 p.m. we bring you this necessary portrait of the day to day on the Open Arms ship and we will have a subsequent discussion, by Carlos Martín Ciscar, Coordinator of Refugees Welcome Islas Baleares and Spokesperson of the Balearic Platform We Welcome and two survivors, Japhe Bruchel Ntouba Epengue and Osman Brime.

Thousands of people have crossed the Mediterranean in these years trying to get to Europe. Wet Letters tells, through a mysterious voice from the bottom of the sea, the most tragic epic in our contemporary history. Following written letters, from mothers to sons, the voice accompanies the NGO Open Arms ship, on its most dramatic mission, fighting to save 550 people from the shipwreck. Forgetting that it is a true story, the situation worsens when the film takes us aboard a Libyan coast guard ship and takes us to one of the most dangerous places in the world in Libya, where human beings are mistreated and enslaved.

You can pursache your tickets at the following link.
