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Genolls nafrats
Clara Fontanet (2019)
Index card
  • Title: Genolls nafrats
  • Country: España
  • Screening date: 21/10/2023
  • Direction: Clara Fontanet

Alda Merini (1931-2009) was a poet, thinker and writer who created much of her work in a post-war Italian psychiatric hospital, where her husband locked her up. She has been nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in literature and is considered one of the key poetic voices of the Italian Novecento. A precocious writer who with only ten years won her first poetry prize and, at twenty-three, Pasolini exalted her genius, placing her alongside Dino Campana and Rilke, was always related to a mental imbalance.

In his work, he defends and gives voice to excluded groups. She herself voluntarily lived in conditions  of deprivation during the last years of her life, at times even fed in social services kitchens.

The objective of this documentary is to delve into Merini's poetic life through the poems in Catalan translated by the poets Nuera Albert and Meritxell Cucurella-Jorba, with which the viewer will be transported to a totally new world, where pleasure and suffering can be found. They come together to create the most beautiful poems. An audiovisual piece that exalts the figure of Merini as a woman and writer, a journey inside one of the most interesting and overwhelming minds of recent times.
