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In Water
Hong Sang-soo (2024)
Index card
  • Title: In Water
  • Original Title: Mul-an-e-seo
  • Country: Corea del Sur
  • Screening date: 19/07/2024
  • Spanish distributor: Atalante
  • Direction: Hong Sang-soo
  • Script: Hong Sang-soo
  • Cast: Shin Seok-ho, Ha Seong-guk
  • Rating: NR-7

A young actor decides to give up acting and make a short film. The small crew comprising the actor himself, the cameraman and the female lead arrive on rocky, windswept Jeju Island. In search of an idea, the young actor explores the surroundings, waits for the right light to emerge and watches the horizon from the coast. One day he catches a glimpse of a figure amid the rocks at the bottom of a cliff, and this prompts him to take the plunge and exchange a few words. Thanks to this conversation, and a love song written years earlier, he finally has a story to tell.
