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Faire famille
Océan (2024)
Index card
  • Title: Faire famille
  • Original Title: Faire famille
  • Country: Francia
  • Screening date: 13/09/2024
  • Direction: Océan

“Being a family” when you are not in the traditional pattern of a heterosexual loving couple, what is it like? Can two best friends who live on the same floor become a family? Sophie-Marie Larrouy, Océan’s best friend, wants to have a child. At 38 years old, and single, she realizes that parenthood is potentially much more complex than what she had long ago imagined. And when Océan, who is a trans man, tells her that he would be willing to be a co-parent if she decides to make a baby, Sophie-Marie wants to explore all possible options for her before making her decision. They both question their bond of friendship, their desire for children and their ability to commit together, meeting people who have created families “differently” to draw inspiration from them and invent their own model.

With the presence of Océan and Sara Brucker.
